Dear Faithful,
It is with great joy we would like to inform you that on March 6, 2018, the Holy Trinity Armenian Church’s newly elected Parish Council formed its Executive Committee as follows:
Rev. Arch Fr. Zareh Zargarian President
Rosin Imasdounian Chair
Hrant Ketenjian Vice-chair
Arine Kemkemian Recording Secretary
Vartan Garabedian Treasurer
Ohannes Derohanessian Advisor
Taline Tajerian Advisor
Jaklen Esagholian Advisor
Zadeek Gorgisian Advisor
Vartan Kasbarian Advisor
Zohrab Tutunjian Advisor
At that meeting, Parish Council liaisons were assigned to the Auxiliary Bodies and the community-at-large as follows:
Women’s Guild Jaklen Esagholian
Church Choir Ohannes Derohanessian
Sunday School Zadeek Gorgisian
Bible Study Arine Kemkemian
Mario Gumushdjian Library Arine Kemkemian
Maintenance Taline Tajerian & Vartan Kasbarian
Endowment Fund Rosin Imasdounian
Family Support Services Taline Tajerian
Barev Centre Hrant Ketendjian
All-Armenia Fund Raffi Kouyoumdjian
On Sunday, April 22, 2018, by the invitation of Vicar and Parish Priest, Rev. Archpriest Fr. Zareh Zargarian, the guest celebrant at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church was the Rev. Archpriest Fr. Parsegh Vanilyan.
The Parish Council members were invited to the Holy Altar and were blessed by Fr. Zargarian and Fr. Vanilyan after which Fr. Zargarian delivered the Sermon of the day.
The Parish Priest, along with the Parish Council, is the administrative authority of the parish administering and directing the affairs and activities of the parish, including the affairs of the subordinate organizations and is custodian of all property which belongs to the parish. A majority of the members of the Parish Council in the presence of the Priest constitute a quorum.
The Parish Assembly elects the Parish Council. They carry out the decisions of the Assembly and present the annual report and financial statement to the Assembly. One of the major duties of the Parish Council is to ensure the proper and regular performance of church services.