“Mahs” Baking Committee

“Mahs” Baking Committee


This group of dedicated women meets on a regular basis to paper the holy “mahs” for our parish.  The Armenian word “mahs” or “pajhin’ means a portion or a share of the Badarak).  Holy mahs is a form of thin flat holy bread distributed by members of the parish council at the end of Badarak as the congregation is leaving.

The distributor of the holy “mahs” shall say “masn yev pajhin yeghitsi soorp badarakis” – may this be your share and portion of this Holy Liturgy.  The receiver of the holy “mahs” shall respond “pajhinn im Asdvadz havidyan” –my portion is God eternal.

The holy “mahs” is usually taken home, given to someone who could not attend the Badarak, someone who may be sick or elderly.  If the holy “mahs” is not to be given to someone else, then upon receiving your portion in your right hand, kiss the holy “mahs”, make the sign of the cross yourself and then eat the holy “mahs”.

Maas Committee
















Mass Committee 2012












